Tuesday 19 January 2010

Laugh is the Best Medicine

Here’s how you boost your health by laughing:

1. Laughter and having fun starts with a healthy attitude. If you have a good outlook to your life, you may find it easier to see humor in things. Start your day with a good hearty breakfast and conversations with your family and friends. Most of these talks would include humor so it should get you into the mood. People who are happy or contented have their guard down so it’s much easier to react and enjoy oneself.
2. Reading and exposing oneself to new things creates an environment for greater chance for laughter. Watching a situational comedy on TV as well as reading funny comic strips could also allow one to let out a good belly laugh. The term “belly laugh” is actually quite accurate. In extreme forms of laughing, you can really feel contractions in your abdominal muscles. This sensation is similar to the one that you feel after doing a few minutes of abdominal crunches.

3. Laughing or sharing a very humorous story with a group of people could enhance one’s sense of community. This is very important especially for those with conditions that can’t be treated such as genetic defects or chronic diseases. Any type of social support or network would be very important in making sure that the psychological and mental well being of the person is kept intact. Having a support group generally motivates people to fight on and stay determined in being healthy.
4. Laughter is something that allows you to remove or at least lessen stress. You probably know that stress can be quite a precursor for a lot of things. Stress can also get you started on a bad habit like an addiction. With enough laughter in your life, you are less susceptible to the perils of stress-related diseases as well as psychiatric disorders that affect those who can’t adjust well to the demands of their work.

Laughter is a great remedy for a lot of ailments. It may not be the cure, but it would surely help every single time in making the patient feel better regardless of whatever disease he or she has. Take a page from Patch Adams and continue making the lives and outlook of your family and friends uplifted and positive. By doing so, you may laughter and humor work for you as a preventive measure against certain diseases.

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